Onsite Training-Virtual (Zoom) Workshops Upon Request- Contact Oscar Graybill

Bronze Standard


Socratic Seminar Introductory Level 1 Workshop

Participants experience one main Socratic Seminar, reflect on the process, practice one round of Socratic Questioning techniques, learn the fundamentals of writing Opening Questions, and discover the power of Socratic Seminars to teach to local, state, and Common Core State Standards.


Socratic Seminar Intermediate Level 2 Workshop

This engaging and interactive workshop is designed for both NEW and experienced leaders of Socratic Seminars. For those new to Socratic Seminars, it introduces and reinforces the fundamentals of how to lead, reflect, and assess Socratic Seminars. For those who have attended one of our introductory workshops, or for those who lead Socratic Seminars of their own, this intermediate workshop builds on the fundamentals by adding how to create and score Formative and Summative Assessments of Socratic Seminars along with guided practice in transforming the key ideas and insights of classroom seminars into powerful Writing Prompts for Argumentative and Persuasive Writing. In short, everyone learns and grows in Socratic Seminar Leadership Skills!

Silver Standard


Socratic Seminar Training

This training provides intensive practice, with a major seminar daily, plus critiques and exercises that develop the skills of seminar leadership. This training is highly experiential, with emphasis on active learning, guided practice, and collective reflection  as K-12 teachers become proficient leaders of Socratic Seminars.

Day One of the Silver Standard Training mirrors much of what is presented and practiced in our Introductory Level 1 workshop, the fundamentals of Socratic Seminar Leadership. While the sample reading texts used to practice participating in and leading Socratic Seminars are different than the ones used in our Introductory Level 1, the skills learned and practiced are much the same.

Day Two reinforces the fundamentals of Socratic Seminar Leadership learned in Day One while adding how to create and score Formative and Summative Assessments of Socratic Seminars along with guided practice in transforming the key ideas and insights of classroom seminars into powerful Writing Prompts for Argumentative and Persuasive Writing.

Day Three culminates with a powerful day of participating and leading Socratic Seminars while providing information, documents, and directions on how to immediately implement Socratic Seminars into K-12 classroom practice.

Gold Standard


Socratic Seminar Silver Standard 3-Day Training


2 Days On-Site Coaching/Observation Days

After the three day training, a first Socratic Seminar Professional Coaching Day takes place within 75 calendar days of the on-site training, and the second day takes place 90 calendar days later. Each of these days include classroom observations of teachers practicing Socratic Seminars concluding with post-observation conferences highlighting areas of strengths and providing specific recommendations and strategies to the teacher addressing areas of weakness.

Recent and Upcoming  Professional Development

 While presenting face-to-faceon-site professional development workshops and trainings is best, we do offer high quality, sustainable Zoom Virtual workshops upon request.
Please contact Oscar Graybill at Oscar@SocraticSeminars.com or  509-386-5169 for more information.

Dates School/District/Organization


February 26, 2025 Eduation Plus
St. Louis, Missouri
Onsite Socratic Seminar Intermediate Level 2 Workshop
March 21, 2025 St. Bonaventure Catholic School
Davie, Florida
Onsite Socratic Seminar Introductory Level 1 Workshop
July 30, 2025 Beaufort County School District
Beaufort, South Carolina
Onsite Socratic Seminar Introductory Level 1 Workshop
August 14, 2025 Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory School
Hollywood, Florida
Onsite Socratic Seminar Introductory Level 1 Workshop

Upcoming Workshops

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